Pearl Care

It doesn’t get much more classic than pearls. These popular keepsakes manage to be dainty and sweet, yet bold at the same time. (Explains why they’re a common choice for weddings!)

Pearls are delicate and require proper care. They can’t be maintained the same way as other jewelry. Read on to learn how to best clean and care for your pearls.

How to Clean Pearls

1. After every wear, wipe your pearls with a soft cloth. This will help prevent any buildup of oils or other substances that may have come in contact with your jewelry throughout the day.

2. Clean with a damp cloth only as needed. If your pearls are visibly stained, you can mix a solution of lukewarm water and mild dish soap, dip a soft cleaning cloth in it and wipe the pearls. Do NOT submerge a pearl necklace in water, as it will weaken the silk thread.

3. Let them dry all the way before storing. Again, this helps preserve the elasticity of the silk strand.

4. Take them to your jeweler once a year. While you want to wear your pearls often to keep them hydrated, all that body oil doesn’t do the silk thread any favors. Make sure to have your jeweler check the integrity of your pearl bracelets and necklaces once a year. They can also give them a thorough, safe cleaning.

Never clean pearls with a steam or ultrasonic jewelry cleaner. Both of these methods are likely to damage the outer layer of the pearl.

Pearl Maintenance Tips

Pearls are commonly passed down to become a treasured family heirloom. Make sure your pearls last long enough to achieve heirloom status by following these maintenance tips:

1. Last on, first off. Pearls should be the final touch to your outfit. Avoid applying makeup, hairspray, lotion or perfume once your pearls are on.

2. Store them flat. While it’s perfectly acceptable for most necklaces to be hung on a cute jewelry rack, your pearl strands should not be. Store pearl necklaces flat to prevent them from stretching.

3. Dedicate a space just for your pearls. Soft pearls are prone to scratches, so store them separately in fabric-lined compartments.

4. Wear your pearls often. Pearls do best in a moist environment, so wearing them frequently keeps them from drying out. Easiest. Advice. Ever. 

Caring for Jewellery

Proper care and handling of your jewellery can help it maintain its beauty and sparkle for years to come. When you have purchased your precious jewellery, it is important to take proper care to ensure it lasts and maintains its sparkle.

Gold, silver and platinum metals are only rated at between 2.5 and 4 on Moh’s scale of hardness which means they require special care, cleaning and storage.

  1. Have your jewellery cleaned and polished at least once a year. Your jeweller may recommend that this be done more frequently on certain pieces.
  2. Have your jeweller re-string your pearls once a year, as the strand could be stretched or worn if they have been in contact with chemicals such as perfumes and hairspray. Have pearls knotted between each one, this will prevent the loss of pearls if the string should break.
  3. Wash your pearls with a softened cloth of mild soap and water after taking off to remove perfume, hairspray and cosmetics etc. 
  4. Wrap your pearls in tissue paper or place in a cloth bag when storing and keep them in a box away from other jewellery as you don’t want your other jewellery to scratch the pearls. 
  5. Store your jewellery in a jewellery roll when travelling, it will keep the jewellery organised and free from tangles and scratches. 
  6. Remove jewellery before using household cleaners as they can contain chemicals which can be harmful to your precious jewellery. 
  7. Never allow your jewellery to come into contact with chlorine bleach, as it can pit gold alloys. 
  8. Never put your jewellery down thoughtlessly, as they can be easily misplaced or lost. Always put them into a lined box and store in a secure place. 
  9. Never wear your jewellery while showering or cleaning, as gold jewellery will develop a soapy film and dull the appearance. 
  10. Never expose your gemstones to salt water and harsh chemicals, which will dull and erode your gems. 
  11. Never rub silver with anything other than a polishing cloth or piece of felt. 
  12. Never allow sterling silver to come into contact with chlorine, as this will tarnish the jewellery.
  13. Never clean cultured pearls with chemicals or abrasives, as this will damage and scratch the surface of the pearls. 
  14. Avoid allowing pearls to come into contact with perfumes, hairspray and cosmetics 
  15. Never wear jewellery to bed or while participating in sport, as this may cause kinking, snagging or breakage.